Our Guild meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of the month (except December) at the Seward Nebraska Civic Center.
Each meeting features a quilting-related speaker or program, a brief business meeting, show 'n tell and snacks.
The $25 annual dues include a monthly newsletter/calendar/contact list and access to our web site, along with the
use of a very nice, quilt book library. We have several activities every year, including service quilting, show
'n tell, mystery quilts, round robins, workshops, challenge quilts, quilt shows, craft show booths, a very fun bus trip, door
prizes and birthday "fat quarters".
The Guild keeps members up-to-date on state-wide quilting events (such as merchant malls, shop hops, and area guild shows),
and provides information on the NE State Quilt Guild, with it's yearly convention. It also supports the International
Quilt Study Center in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Join us for our next meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center.
Our Current Officers
President—Kris Boelter
Vice President—vacant
Secretary—Mona Kunasek
Treasurer—Judy Pollacek
Non-Voting Assistance provided by:
Past Presidents/Advisor—Linda Riesber & Lana Meyer
County Fair Liaison—Lori Duffek and Becky Wallroff
Program Committee - Linda Reisberg
Newsletter—Carol Curran
Webmaster—Becky Wallroff