Scrapbag Rag Newsletter Advertising
All advertising must be submitted by the 5th of each month, and must be prepaid. The Scrapbag Rag is published eleven times per year and provided to our 50+ members,
as well as being published on our website ( Our site is consistently getting 1000 hits per
month, and growing. Buy 10 ads and we’ll publish your 11th ad FREE. Please make checks payable to Blue Valley Quilt Guild. Mail payment with ad materials
to: Becky Wallroff, 1797 Agnew Road, Bee, NE 68314, or email ad materials to and send a separate check prior to the 5th of the month.
There are two add options: Classified
or Monthly Section Ads
Classified Ads are ten cents per word with
a $2.00 minimum and must be quilt- or member- related.
Monthly Ad Sizes/Rates:
1/8 page $10.00 (business card size)
1/4 page $16.00
1/2 page Vertical or 1/2 page horizontal $30.00
Full page $60.00