Click here for full newsletter
From the President. . .
I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful 4th of July. It was a little to
muggy for me, I am an air conditioning kind of gal.
I hope you all enjoyed meeting in person last month. It was wonderful to
see all of you. I think our meeting was a lot of fun.
I spoke with Marci at CASA, I was giving her an update on all the quilts I
brought home after our meeting. Thank you to each of who sent one with me.
Just out of curiosity I asked how many children are being helped by CASA at
this time. It has grown from 10 to 17. I told her I did not know if we would get
that many but we will try. After talking with Linda, she thinks it would be better to give the quilts at the November
meeting. So, you all have a little more
time to work on them. Thank you again.
If you want to go ahead and make a label for your quilt. Just have this info
on it please. Blue Valley Quilt Guild 2021 Quilt Project Seward, NE.
I am looking forward to seeing the President Challenge Quilts you all have
come up with. I suppose I should get started on mine! On a 3X5 card write
your birthstone color and your birth month flower. We will vote on them at
this July meeting.
I met with Sandi (Carrington) and Diane (Rousek) and they are willing be
our program directors for the rest of this year. They still have their contact
information for the plans they had for 2020.
I would like to thank Linda (Riesberg) for providing programs for all the
meetings zoom and now in person.
The July program will be "The specialty rulers that made our quilts". This
sounds very interesting. I went on the 2021 Shop Hop and their theme was
rulers, so I have a few to bring and show, not sure how to use them. This will
be a learning experience for me too.
Hope to see you on the 19th. Kris
Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report
The Blue Valley Quilt Guild met
on June 21, 2021 at the Seward Civic
Center. President Kris Boelter called
the meeting to order and welcomed
16 members and one guest back
from our long time away from meeting in person. It was so good to see
Connie Doehring join us for the evening.
The treasurers report was approved as printed in the newsletter.
There is $2,457.65 in the checking
Programming was discussed for
the remainder of the year. Kris will
call Diane Rousek and Sandi Carrington to see what they have been working on.
It was decided not to assign any
one for refreshments. Each member
is to BYOB (bring your own beverage,
not booze).
Becky Wallroff and Lori Duffek
reported Seward County Fair entry
day is August 3, 6—8p.m. There will
be more to report next month. White
glove volunteers will be needed for
the fair.
The fund raiser, "Tea With Bed
Turning" , for 2022 will be discussed
at a later date. Will decide who's
house it will be held at (just kidding).
has two speakers hired. They have
asked our group for volunteers to
unlock the room, introduce the speakers and lock up on July 4th. Times for
the presentations are 11a.m., 12
noon, and 1p.m.
Six very pretty blankets were donated for the CASA project. (sorry, I
didn't get any names). Thanks to
those that a working on this project.
It was hard taking notes at this meeting.
On a serious note, two of our
members passed away since we last
met, Carol Isaac and Kristine Larson.
They were excellent quilters and will
be missed. A donation of $25 each
will be made in their honor to the International Quilt Museum.
For the program each member
was asked what projects they worked
on during the pandemic. Linda Riesberg had the most!!!!
Connie Doehring donated the
door prizes. Thanks Connie! Joan
Varner, Becky Wallroff, and Kris
Boelter were the lucky winners.
Our next meeting will be July 19,2021
at the Seward Civic Center at 7pm.
Becky Wallroff made a motion to adjourn the meeting. We all enjoyed seeing everyone and were ready to call it
a night.
Your secretary, Mona Kunasek
The old business of finding
a Vice President was brought
up. Any one who is not present
at the next meeting, their name
will be pulled from a hat and
will be the next Vice President
(once again, just kidding. Well
The pipe and drape found a
home at the Civic Center. Linda
not having much luck at convincing the center to store the
stuff gave the problem to Sheila
and she got the job done.
Linda Riesberg brought up
the idea of making bookmarks
to advertise the guild. Linda and
Carol Curran have had a plan on the
design. Becky Wallroff will call Carol
and visit about the design and find
out how much printing would cost.
The guild sang happy birthday
to Pat Parrot and Becky Wallroff
while they did a polka. We were going to sing one more time so we
could all join in but that didn't happen.
Bonnie Smith reported she went
to the Kansas City Quilt Show. She
saw a lot of embroidered and stenciled quilts.
The Fourth of July committee